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Research team

Social Work for
Social Brain Conditions
Care model Development
Building Good Life for Persons Living with Dementia and Carers in Hong Kong (A Pilot Study)
The Good Life Model is a multidisciplinary family-centred dementia care approach that aims to improve the quality of life of families living with dementia. It is developed by Prof. Laura Gitlin of Drexel University and Prof. Catherine Piersol of Thomas Jefferson University in the US. Different from the conventional care models that focus on behavioural symptoms and care burden management, the Good Life Model emphasises on the interest, preference, and quality of life of persons living with dementia (PLwDs) as well as their carers. The overall goal of the study is to culturally adapt the Good Life Model into the context of Hong Kong and develop a Good Life-HK Model for improving the quality of life of PLwDs and their carers. We collaborated with Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) to pilot the Good-Life Model in community social care settings and examine its feasibility, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness on improving PLwDs’ cognitive functioning, behavioural and psychological symptoms; carers’ care burden, caregiving self-efficacy and depressive symptoms; as well as quality of life and well-being of the dyads. This study is supported by a donation from Mr Tin Hing-Sin Sam for the promotion of non-pharmacological interventions for people with dementia and their caregivers in community.
BrainLive: Connecting Families Living with Dementia in Pandemic Situations and Beyond
BrainLive, funded the Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation, is a 2-year project that mainly aims to develop a best practice model of barrier-free online dementia community support service using information and communications technology (ICT) and productive ageing to deliver intervention and care. In 2 years, we will develop a tested model that is effective and equitable, with good economic value for society, and ready to be widely implemented in various community service settings. The project targets to test the feasibility, acceptability and sustainability of an online community-based dementia service model consisting of a package of evidence-based social care and intervention services for families living with dementia delivered via ICT tools with trained young-old volunteers support, with the following objectives: 1) ensure access to evidence-based intervention and care under infection control situations; 2) prepare families living with dementia and service providers for future remote service development by enhancing their ICT literacy in the post-pandemic era; 3) build capacity of the community to care for families living with dementia by developing young-old volunteers for remote dementia service; 4) promote innovations by NGOs to explore full potentials of ICT-enriched service for continued service, including involvement of carers in the long-term; and 5) identify using service data the best combination of the standard service package and other infrastructure and support for an optimised model to recommend in Hong Kong.
JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness
According to a study, about 10% of the elderly population in Hong Kong have depressive symptoms. Factors such as stress, health problems and a lack of social engagement usually contribute to the vulnerability of older people and cause higher risks of elderly depression or other major illness. In response to this concern, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust initiated the “JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness” (JC JoyAge). Through cross-sectoral collaboration, JC JoyAge provides a community-based supporting network for our senior citizens to enhance their resiliency in facing the challenges of ageing. The service model bridges the District Elderly Community Centre (“DECC”) and Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (“ICCMW”) to establish a collaborative and integrated service model, which renders standardised prevention and timely intervention services for the older adults at-risk of or with depressive symptoms, according to their risk level and severity of symptoms, etc.
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