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Research team
Research team
Research team
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Research team

Social Work for
Social Brain Conditions
Cohort Study
Predicting and Managing Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People with Schizophrenia: A Population-Based Cohort Study
It is believed that intensive control of cardiovascular (CVD) risk factors through drug treatment would reduce the risk of CVD, but no known studies have been conducted to investigate how the treatment of CVD risk factors for patients with schizophrenia at different CVD risk levels may influence the cardiovascular outcome and healthcare cost. In this study, it would 1) develop a risk prediction model of cardiovascular diseases in patients with schizophrenia. Specifically, it will explore the value of using psychiatric diagnosis and treatment as an additional risk factor(s) in the model. Additionally, the study would 2) investigate whether timely treatment for CVD risk factors would reduce non-fatal and fatal CVD events; 3) examine the role of different service parameters in determining the patient outcomes; and 4) determine whether early treatment for CVD risk factors would affect overall health care costs for people with schizophrenia. This study is funded by the Research Grants Councils (Project number: 17106719).
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