Research team
Research team
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Research team

Social Work for
Social Brain Conditions

Dr. Jacky Choy
Research Assistant Professor
Jacky is interested in understanding informal care shared by multiple members and intervention for improving preparedness for caregiving for older adults at individual, family and societal level. In his PhD study, he examined 1) the impact of size of caregiving family on care burden among carers of older adults with long-term care needs, 2) family preparedness for care of families living with dementia, and 3) the formation of informal-formal collaboration for providing dementia intervention.
He is currently leading two research projects in the capacity of Principle Investigator (PI):
1) 'Family care shared by multiple carers: longitudinal changes in family-level demands, resources, perceptions, and wellbeing among carers of people living with dementia', funded by General Research Fund (GRF), 2024-2026, HK$739,432.
2) 'Explorative study of family preparedness for caregiving among families living with dementia', funded by HKU Seed Fund, 2023-2024, HK$147,564.
​He is also a part-time lecturer teaching two postgraduate courses offered to MSW, MSocSc (Gerontology/ Mental Health/ Social Service Management) and RPg students:
1) SOWK6201 Mental Health Problems in Old Age, and
2) SOWK6337 Evidence-based Intervention and Care for People with Dementia.
Over the past few years, Jacky has been coordinating multiple dementia research projects, including the TIP-CARD project for developing dementia policy solutions, the BrainLive project for implementing a barrier-free dementia care model using information and communications technology and productive ageing approach, and a randomised control trial investigating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Virtual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy.
During 2018-2023, he coordinated the Certified Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Practitioner Training Course in Hong Kong in collaboration with the International CST Centre of University College London.